Blue Jays Nation
Year 2.3K 178K 78.4 Avg
Ryley Delaney 861, Cam Lewis 339, Tyson Shushkewich 277, Thomas Hall 232, Tyler Yaremchuk 232More, Zach Laing 157, Chris Georges 123, Veronica Chung 82, Evan Stack 79, Greg Warren 71, Nick Prasad 68, Ian Hunter 61, Graeme Wallace 43, Mitch Bannon 30, Nicholas Martin 27, Clarke Corsan 21, Chris Henderson 20, Trevor Fitzpatrick 19, Ethan Diamandas 11, Tammy Rainey 9, Bob Ritchie 8, Mark Saxon 8, Brett Holden 7, Jim Scott 5, Michael Liu 3, Matthew Spagnuolo 2, Ryan Snodgrass 1, Matthew Spagnulo 1, Tate Kispech 1, Arun Srinivasan 1, Sam Nestler 1 Fewer
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Content from Blue Jays Nation, the Nation Network's Toronto Blue Jays blog & community with full team coverage including news, commentary and podcasts
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