Toronto Star
115.9 Avg
Mike Wilner 265, Gregor Chisholm 190, Mark Colley 39, Rosie DiManno 34, Ethan Diamandas 20More, Braydon Holmyard 11, Gilbert Ngabo 9, Patrick Ho 8, Bruce Arthur 5, Andy Takagi 4, Dave Feschuk 4, Doug Smith 4, Nathan Bawaan 3, Abhiraj Lamba 3, Kevin Jiang 2, Fatima Raza 1, Mark Zwolinski 1, Kevin McGran 1, Stephanie MacLellan 1, Adam Aziz 1, Vinay Menon 1, Asma Sahebzada 1, Jake Edmiston 1, Debra Yeo 1, Mike Haim 1, Daniel Ramos 1 Fewer
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Toronto Blue Jays content from sports section of the Toronto Star, a long-standing Toronto newspaper featuring comprehensive sports coverage.
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