Jays Journal
Year 1.2K 204K 173.7 Avg
Eric Treuden 295, Edward Eng 269, Charles Kime 110, Michael Fisher 93, Zane Cherniak 46More, Richard Gueren 42, Paul Taylor 39, Joe Olenick 39, Sophie Shipton 39, Graeme Wallace 37, Evan Gignac 23, Elias Plagakis 22, Ethan Hyatt 22, Baron Dionis 17, Travis Aylward 16, Matthew Rowell 16, Nigel Clarke 15, Henry Wright 14, Lucas Reyes 10, Rachael Millanta 8, William Dubé 6, Darcy Weiss 2, Zac Phillips 2, Blake Meek 2, Katrina Stebbins 1, Drew Koch 1 Fewer
Content from Jays Journal, the Toronto Blue Jays blog from the FanSided network, with in-depth team coverage including news, analysis & podcasts