Blue Jays Aggregator

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Year 2.2K 291K 132.5 Avg

Brady Farkas 427, Scott Belford 286, Sam Connon 127, Zachary Rotman 109, Bob McCown 98More, Jackson Roberts 81, John Shannon 76, Nick Prasad 68, Aaliyan Mohammed 66, Justin Shin 63, Zach Pressnell 59, Robert Murray 53, Chris Landers 49, Christopher Kline 48, Mark Powell 46, Josh Goldberg 43, Vanessa Serrao 37, Bryan Mcwilliam 36, Martin Oldhues 36, Adam Weinrib 36, Tom Ruminski 33, Steve Simmons 32, Curt Bishop 30, Jacob Mountz 28, Matt Graves 24, Simon Sharkey-Gotlieb 22, Ben Wrixon 21, Russell Steinberg 20, Rod Pedersen 18, Krutik Jain 18, Baseball Insiders 17, Jackson Brown 17, Cody Williams 16, Eric Cole 16, Christopher Hennessy 16, Peter Chawaga 15, Patrick McAvoy 15, Austin Owens 13, Lior Lampert 12, David Hill 12, Rachael Millanta 11, Brandon Wile 11, Scott Rogust 10, Karl Rasmussen 10, Zac Wassink 9, Brayden Haena 9, Jedd Pagaduan 9, Cole Shelton 9, Carly Wimer 8, Travis Sawchik 8 Fewer

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